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Upcoming Events

Career Development Workshops

Further your professional journey.

Discover tools for workplace success

PA Women Work’s no-cost career development programs and workshops are designed to support job-seekers and individuals as they work to further their goals and build their future.

Check out our upcoming events page to see our upcoming workshops and sign up.

Empowerment in the Workplace

Get empowered to advance in your career and overcome challenges in the workplace. EIW is specifically designed for women who are currently working and are looking to build leadership skills. It is a full day of interactive classroom time, including discussions, exercises and networking.
  • Gain tools to overcome workplace challenges
  • Build skills to set boundaries at work
  • Learn important negotiation skills
  • Discuss how you can overcome imposter syndrome

Communicating for Success

Using an industry-recognized curriculum from DDI, our Communicating for Success class helps build your professional communication skills to create better working relationships, become a stronger leader and learn to resolve conflicts.​
  • Master key principles of professional communication
  • Build skills to create strong relationships with colleagues and customers
  • Learn to resolve conflicts with customers or colleagues
  • Develop critical skills to stay calm under pressure and provide effective feedback to others

Career Kick-Start

If you’re looking for a job and need one fast, our Career Kick-Start is designed just for you. This one-day event is jam-packed with job-search tips, resume assistance, mock interviews, confidence-boosting tips and so much more.
  • Learn key job search skills
  • Practice interviewing one-on-one with a professional
  • Fine-tune your resume

Next Level Career Development

Take your career to the next level and join Pennsylvania Women Work for our annual course in partnership with DDI. During this two-day highly renowned course, working professionals, job-seekers, and those seeking career advancement, are invited to join us to improve their professional communication skills, collaboration tactics, and confidence in themselves.
  • Communicate more effectively with colleagues and customers and build trust
  • Effectively deliver and receive both positive and developmental feedback
  • Identify what confidence looks like in the workplace, recognize when self-doubt is getting in the way, and radiate confidence
  • Overcome mistakes and failure in the workplace, learn from them, and move forward

Upcoming workshops

To sign up for our career development workshops, visit our upcoming events page.

New to Pennsylvania Women Work and not sure where to begin? We can help guide you to the best program to fit your needs.